
Soi48の最新MIXがNTS RADIOで公開されました。

ロンドンのネットラジオ局NTS RADIOでSoi48の最新MIXが公開開始。最近Soi48パーティーでよくプレイしているトラックを中心に夏らしい選曲になっています。台湾、カンボジア、イスラエル、インドネシア・・・そしてタイからは師匠であるJUUさんをセレクト。トラックリストも掲載されているので気になる方はチェックしてみてください。

Soi48 (Keiichi Utsuki & Shinsuke Takagi) Throughout their life journey, a DJ duo by the name of Soi48 discovered and revived music regardless of its format—whether LP records, cassette tapes, CDs, VCDs, or even USBs. On the production front, they have been music directors for “BANGKOK NITES”, a movie released in 2017 by Kuzoku, and EM Records’ Thai music production. They also involved in various activities such as domestic and international live shows (e.g. Fuji Rock Festival), talk show events, magazine and book publications, radio programmes, and TV shows (e.g. NHK), while promoting the glamour of Thai music and their music journey. Want to find out more about Soi48, Thai music, and their journey? Their book, “TRIP TO ISAN: Traveling Thai/Isan Music Disc Guide” is now on sale.